College Term Papers And Term Paper For College Students.

Few tasks cause college students more anxiety than writing research papers. In many cases, the real problem is not the writing but coming up with a good topic to write about.

If you wonder where to find good research paper topic ideas, you are halfway home. Wondering is where good topics begin.

For your college classes, you don't pull topics out of the air. You write papers about the class subject: marketing in marketing class and astronomy in astronomy class. In those classes, or any others you take, research papers answer a question. If you are taking a class in which you must write a research paper, your first task is to discover questions that a research could answer.

As you do your class assignments and participate in class discussion, keep a list of things you wonder about. To help you focus, use the journalists' famous "five W's and an H" to raise questions that are not answered in the class readings and discussions:

I wonder who...

I wonder what...

I wonder when...

I wonder where...

I wonder why...

I wonder how...

Fill in those blanks so you have complete sentences. The result will be a potential research paper question about a topic that has at least a little bit of interest for you personally.

Develop six potential topics a week in each course you are taking. You don't have to have one topic for each six categories, but aim for a variety.

When you start out using this strategy for generating topics, you may write questions that are answered directly in your class materials. As you practice the technique, however, you will get better at developing questions that probe beneath the basic facts. Those are the kinds of questions that can turn into research papers.

Record your questions in a paper journal or tuck them into a document you keep in an online depository, such as a Google document, rather than scribbling them on whatever is handy. That way you'll have an entire list of potential topics when you need them.

By systematically looking for topics for research papers in the courses you are taking, you'll find you have a wealth of research paper topic ideas from which to choose. You may also find that wondering opened your eyes to a whole realm of knowledge that you might otherwise have missed.


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