College Term Papers And Term Paper For College Students.

Whether you're in college or high school, at some point during your education you'll be required to write a term paper. No matter what subject your term paper is on, you'll need to do some research in order to write it.

The biggest mistake that most students make when researching a term paper is that they let their research go until the last minute. As any graduate or professor will tell you, research is a lengthy process, take the time you estimate for the research and triple it.

The best way to research a term paper and to ensure that you have a successful outcome is to start the research early on. It's now an accepted practice in many colleges to give out term paper titles at the beginning of the semester; this is great news for students who are disciplined in their approach to study, bad for those who are not.
Disciplined students will start jotting down ideas for their term paper as soon as they have the title or subject area; undisciplined students on the other hand will think that they have plenty of time, and then find themselves rushing to get it completed at the last minute. Whatever your approach is, you can learn to take a more disciplined approach to your research.

*Taking A Disciplined Approach to Research*

As soon as you have your title or topic area for your term paper, you should start jotting down ideas and gathering research material. Keep all of the material relating to your term paper in its own file, that way you won't find yourself hunting for scraps of paper at the last minute.

*Study the Question*

Study the question or topic area very carefully, sometimes you will be given a choice of titles, pick the one that you like by all means, but make sure that you understand what it's asking you to do.

If the title uses the words described and compared to as, "Describe Durkheim's and Weber's Approach to the Study of Religion and Compare them." This is telling you to lay out the theories of Durkheim and Weber (sociologists) and then to compare the two approaches. You will need to finish by saying which approach you think is best and why.

*Find Appropriate Materials*

Notice the use of the word appropriate here, this is because many students take too wide approach to researching their term paper and then end up not knowing what to put in and what to leave out. If we take the example question above, you'll need your class notes on Durkheim and Weber and a book on the sociology of religion, which will have more material on these two theorists.

Don't gather too much material or you will find yourself sinking in a sea of information when all you need is enough of the correct information to write the paper. For this question you'll need to have a clear idea of what both Durkheim and Weber said about religion, how their two approaches are different, and whether there are areas that they agree in. Once you have done this you need to say which approach you think is best and why.

Durkheim's approach is known as the functionalist approach because he was interested in the functions of social systems or the jobs that they do. Weber's approach is known as the substantive or interpretive approach because he said that in order to make any claims about religion, we first had to look at the choices and actions people take and why they take them.

If you take a disciplined approach that makes research part of your weekly study time, and use the appropriate materials, you should write a successful term paper.


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